Monday, January 18, 2010

Movies That Should Be Remade Part II

Welcome to m34nstr34k's random thoughts.

So, in the original “Movies That Should Be Remade” post we suggested Big Trouble in Little China, Doom, Godzilla, Highlander, The Thing and They Live get a generational udpate.  Please don’t misunderstand, especially from the last post.  I’m not completely convinced that anyone could do these titles justice, let alone should.  On the other hand, seeing as how nothing seems to be sacred (The Texas Chainsaw, Massacre, Prom Night and Psycho), why not get a good director like David Fincher, Michael Mann or Ridley Scott to reimagine them?  Let’s avoid the Michael Bays of the film industry on these please; he’s done enough!  Below are some more suggestions.


Directed by Brian De Palma and adapted from Stephen King’s Novel of the same name, Carrie was released in 1976.  I’ve heard the argument that no one could ever play the socially inept and insecure adolescent like Sissy Spacek.  In the movie Carrie discovers that she has telekinetic powers and begins to do research on how to control it.  In the meantime she is invited to the prom by an unlikely and popular guy and she falls victim to a very mean spirited prank.  The movie is dated, but the story is great.  They tried a sequel in 1999 and it failed miserably. They also a made TV movie in 2002 that I just found out existed.

What to improve:

Update the story for modern day

The action

The few effects that need an update. (Moving things isn’t hard. Paranormal Activity?)

Show more of the details in her research about telekinesys

In the book, Carrie’s rage doesn’t stop at the Prom in continues through town

What to keep:

The climax and the ending, just make them a little scarier

The religious overtones and undertones

The part with the kid getting launched off the bike


Directed by John Carpenter and adapted from another Stephen King novel of the same name this, film was released in1983. A socially awkward high school kid comes into his own when he buys a 1958 Plymouth Fury.  It turns out the car is possessed and very possessive of him.   It’s jealous of his girlfriend and protects him from anyone he encounters.  There were some significant changes to the story from the book to the movie, but it’s a classic.

What to improve:

Just make minor updates for modern day life

The action

Some of the antagonist just seem like your after school special high school bullies, give them an update too.

What to keep:

I’m on the fence about the car. Any car worth restoring should work, as long as it doesn’t remind anyone of The Fast and the Furious.

The scenes where the car repairs itself (“Are you in good hands?”)


Drew Barrymore plays Charlie; a little girl on the run from the government with her father. Her mom had telekinetic powers and her father has autohypnotic mind domination abilities; basically he can make you see and do whatever he wants.  As a result, Charlie has a few abilities of her own (reference the movie title), but because she’s a little girl, she doesn’t have them under control just yet.  The government, as usual, wants to harness her strength and use them for their own exploits.  Apparently, Stephen King sold out in the late 70’s and early 80’s because this was another one of his novels.  The movie was released in 1984.  As far as an update, I thought Dakota Fanning would have been a good candidate, but I think she may be a little too old now.  To help avoid cheese and bad acting, maybe they could change the age of the child in the story, but who knows?

What to improve:

The special effects were pretty good (how can you screw up fire?)

The action

Considering the government element in the movie, update the story to a modern, post 9/11 America

What to keep:

Stephen King fan or not, I think the story is great

Tweak the effects a little, but keep the ending the same

Ghost Story

I saw this as a kid and I’ve wanted an update for years.  Based on a book by Peter Straub, it was released in 1981.  Four successful men have hidden a secret for 50 years and now that secret has come back to haunt them.  It’s a great supernatural revenge tale and I’m surprised it hasn’t been remade by now.  It has both the jump scares, as well as the slow creep and dread of a good horror movie.

What to improve:


Special effects

What to keep:

The story should only be updated for modern times or make it a period piece somewhat.


I love both the original released in 1979 and the second installment (1988) to this franchise.  There was a third and fourth film, but I’ve only seen parts of the third.  Rumors of either another sequel or a reboot have surfaced, but I haven’t read much about it lately.  The guys behind the films intended them to be cult/B-movies and they succeeded. The antagonist, The Tall Man who is played by Angus Scrimm, kills entire small towns, robs graves and converts the recently deceased into killer dwarfs for slave labor and hunting the living.  One of my favorites are the flying orbs that monitor the halls of whatever funeral home is being plundered.  The protagonists make weapons hunt and hunters and drive a 1971 HemiCuda.  It’s great.

What to improve:

Keep as much of the cast as you can, but if you have to replace people do it with respect for the franchise and do non-cheesy cameos

Update the special effects, make the dwarfs scarier

Update the action

What to keep:

The story is an original idea that could be updated quite well

The orbs could get a great update with today’s technology

The 1971 Hemicuda

The Wraith

The Wraith was a great B-Movie and revenge tale.  It was set to a supernatural backdrop, with street racing as the catalyst for payback.  The original was released in 1986 starring Charlie Sheen as the victim of a brutal murder, who comes back for revenge.  He drives a 1984 concept car; the Dodge M4S.  It’s like The Fast and the Furious meets The Ring.

What to improve:

The action

The cars (give the protagonist a helmet like the Stig and a bad ass 6-speed, turbo, V8, AWD, shit kicker with drug dealer window tint)

What to keep:

The story is simple, but it works well.

If anyone has input and suggestions please feel free to post here or message me.

I’m spent for now,



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